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Home / Blog / Thought for today 02.07.20

Thought for today 02.07.20

TOWER HAMLETS COUNCILLORS: what are they like? The hot topic in the Borough is the decision of Executive Mayor John Biggs to impose new contracts (“Tower Rewards”) on the Council workforce.  Do Labour Councillors back him or not? Ten councillors have signed an open letter asking him to think again.  Thirty-one have not.  It’s time we got to know our councillors a bit better, so this month we’ll be sharing some quotes from Labour’s public representatives.

“Local gov funding announcement not good enough.
“Comprehensive? X
“Covers lost income? X
“Details for local budgets? X
“Councils are at the heart of delivering a recovery. We need a budget settlement that supports us, not leaves communities struggling.”
Cllr Rachel Blake, Bow East, Deputy Mayor, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health & Wellbeing pointing out on Twitter that she disagrees with the Government over funding Councils.
(Cllr Blake has not indicated a view on Executive Mayor John Biggs’s decision to make lower paid Council workers pay for some of the Tower Hamlets Council funding shortfall.)
Contact Cllr Blake on:
020 7364 0363

●Read more about it:
Thought for today
The Thames Today

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