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Top travelling tips for holidaying with your dog

SUMMER and for many that means it’s time for a holiday – the chance to spend quality time together with loved ones in the sunshine and recharge those batteries.

While we look forward to getting away often this excitement can be overshadowed by the thought of leaving behind our pet dogs. But you needn’t think going abroad means you can’t take your furry canine family member with you. It’s easier than you think to take your dog abroad, meaning they don’t have to miss out on the family fun.

There are a few important things to remember to ensure you and your four legged traveller have a safe and enjoyable trip.

Siobhan Griffin, Veterinary Nurse and Learning and Development Executive and from Lintbells, manufacturers of premium natural pet supplements, has put together a list of top tips to make sure your holiday goes without a hitch.

Do your research
Although you can now take your dog to many countries with ease it is still important to check out the country you’re visiting as rules and requirements can vary from place to place. Don’t leave it until the last minute to pick your destination, do your research within plenty of time and consult your vet to make sure you and your pooch have everything required to safely enter the country. It’s also important to research your accommodation to make sure they will accept dogs, whether it be a hotel, apartment or caravan.

Plan ahead
Planning your transport is another must, check the company you are travelling with will accept pets for travel and how many, if you are planning to take more than one. Some companies may also require proof that your canine companion is fit and healthy for travel, either in the form of a letter from your vet or their pet passport.

Pet passports
A passport for your pooch is one of the most important things you will need to organise before your trip. To go in and out of the UK you will need an EU Pet Passport, this needs to be sourced from a government-authorised vet known as a Local Veterinary Inspector (LVI). Sections I-V of the passport needs to be filled in by your vet detailing your pet’s vaccination records and evidence of their microchip.

For identification purposes your dog must be microchipped before your holiday, this is also now a legal requirement in the UK, this can be done by your vet. This must be done before they get a rabies vaccination, and you will need to record this microchip number in your pet passport.

You must ensure your four legged friend has a rabies vaccination before any travel, along with a tapeworm treatment before coming back into the UK. Tick treatments also need to be up to date, as they can pass on dangerous diseases to your dog and this risk can be much higher when travelling. Depending on where you are travelling to you may also want to research mosquito and fly protection for your pooch. It’s important to consult your vet before any travel, to make sure your dog is fully protected, as different countries will have different requirements.

Get an authorised pet travel carrier
Once everything is sorted and you are ready to begin your big adventure there are a few things to remember whilst you are travelling. Make sure you have an authorised pet travel carrier so your pet is safe and secure during your journey. If you are travelling by car your pet will either need to be in a crate or have a car harness or dog seat belt attached.

Watch the temperature
Keep an eye on the temperature; never leave your dog your dog in a hot car. When you reach your destination country it may be much warmer than your dog is used to so remember to make sure your dog is cool enough, and take regular breaks to ensure they can have a drink and go to the toilet.

Keep calm and carry on
If your dog is prone to sickness or anxiety during travel you can speak to your vet before you go who can advise on the best treatments to combat this. You can prepare your dog for a trip by taking a calming supplement such as YuCALM, by Lintbells, at least three weeks in advance. This can help your pooch to become a happier and calmer traveller. A fast acting digestive supplement such as YuDIGEST PLUS can also be a benefit to your pooch, as it can support any digestive upsets that may be caused by the stress of a new environment and/or different foods.

But most importantly enjoy your trip.


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