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Home / Community / TOWER HAMLETS CIVIC AWARDS 2011
On Tuesday the Civic Awards Ceremony was held at the Town Hall.


LondonBangla: On Tuesday the Civic Awards Ceremony was held at the Town Hall. This scheme recognises outstanding service/achievement by local resident, workers  and students. The Civic Awards recipients were welcomed by the Chair of Council Motin Uz Zaman and formally congratulated by Deputy Lieutenant-Commander John Ludgate. A short presentation was given by each recipient’s nominator before the Chair and Commander presented the certificate.

Presented for Outstanding Service to the Community were Mr Masud Ahmed, Faruk Ali, Ray Gipson and Arshdeep Rathour. Arshdeep is the youngest candidate to have received the award at aged only 7. She was awarded for calling the ambulance when her mother Sandeep had an epileptic fit, subsequently saving her life. Stepney resident Masud Ahmed has juggled his time  between looking after his disabled father, being an active committee member of Stifford Community Centre and being a trustee of education charity the Gulapganj  Education Trust. Bow resident Ray Gipson is attributed with turning a group of retired men into a force to be reckoned with. He works part-time for Age UK, and is the leader of older men’s activity group, The Geezers.

Described as big-hearted and caring, Faruk Ali helped a homeless person who had recently arrived in the UK as an undergraduate. The category for Brought Credit to the Borough through Sporting, Artistic or Cultural Activities had two winners who were Sean Pender and John Ridgley.

When some children at Marion Richardson Primary School were struggling academically, John Ridgley set up an athletics breakfast club for the pupils. Anam Hoque a youth worker for twenty years is a fervent campaigner for young people’s rights and development.

The Improved the Quality of life for local people by providing services beyond those they are paid to do category award was given to Anam Hoque, Kate Smith and Arthur Hing. Arthur Hing is a complementary therapist working with elderly arthritic patients bringing much  needed relief to their painful joints. Kate Smith is the first point of contact at the Bromley-by-Bow Centre.

As a learning ambassador she signposts residents to community services and courses. The Civic Award initiative is an annual programme in recognition of residents’ hard work and commitment to the Borough and its residents; nominations are open from September. The four categories for nomination are give outstanding service to the community, have brought credit to the borough through sporting, artistic or cultural achievements, have improved the quality of life for local people by providing services beyond what they are paid to do, have benefited the community through success in business and in community involvement.

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