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Tower Hamlets to tackle record tobacco use

IF YOUR NEW YEAR’S resolutions included stopping using tobacco – by smoking or by chewing – Tower Hamlets Council is offering the support which could be crucial to helping you to quit for good.

With Tower Hamlets having one of the highest rates of tobacco use, reducing dependence on tobacco could have a very positive effect on public health.

Although Tower Hamlets mayor John Biggs put forward proposals to cut back on smoking cessation services a couple of years ago, support is available around the borough. “As a council we are supporting residents to make healthier choices by getting support from specialist advisors,” John Biggs said. “If your New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking or chewing tobacco, there are fantastic free local services that can help you achieve your goal.”

The Council’s stop smoking service is called Quit Right Tower Hamlets. It is able to offer advice and information on using alternative sources of nicotine as part of a cessation plan. Cabinet Member for Health and Adults Cllr Denise Jones said endorsed the service, saying “People who use our free, local stop smoking services are more successful in stopping tobacco for good, so why not give it a go today?”

One source of nicotine replacement is vaping, and Quit Right is holding a special session on vaping from 11am to 12.30pm at the Health & Lifestyle Research Unit, 2 Stayner’s Road, E1 4AH.

The Council has released Bruce’s story to show how its cessation service can help. Bruce is 52 years old and he smoked for 27 years. When he decided to quit for the sake of his health and to save money, he went to his GP – and was referred to Quit Right. They helped him use patches and vaping to stop smoking cigarettes.

“After a few weeks, I noticed I was able to breathe easier and exercise for longer with improved stamina. My sleep has also improved,” said Bruce. “I’m also saving about £60 per week as the cost of vaping is a fraction of the cost of smoking. I would highly recommend using a local stop smoking service as they give you so much information on the different types of NRT you can use and support you along the way.”

•For more information, go to:
What’s on to help in January?
Local general information
Quit Right Tower Hamlets

•Read more about it:
Council tells residents: help yourselves
Public Health cuts threaten smoke-free targets


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