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Flames can clearly be seen in the fourth floor room, seconds after the teenager jumped out.

Tragic teenager dies in Mile End fire

AS DAWN BROKE this morning a fire broke out in a third/fourth floor maisonette in St Paul’s Way. Within hours, a 17 year old girl had died.

The Fire Brigade and London Ambulance Service received an emergency call around 6am and some 21 firefighters attended. St Paul’s Way was closed as the firefighters battled to get the blaze under control. A dark, dense smoke rose from the building and dozens of local residents were evacuated as a precaution. Paramedics gave on the spot treatment to four people who were suffering the effects of breathing the smoke in.

Two people managed to leave the burning flat just before firefighters reached the property. The teenager then jumped out of the fourth floor window as flames engulfed the room she was in and burning bits of the windowframe fell to the ground. Two firefighters in the street tried to help her, but she was pronounced dead at the scene. The firefighters then rescued a man from the fourth floor.

The Fire Brigade had the blaze under control within an hour. It is not yet clear how the fire broke out.

•Read more about it:
Fire in Bow
Island fire: Cllr Miah demands action


One comment

  1. my question is how does fire every.weeks after Greenfiel tower I think some one doing this .I’m in UK nearly 30 years it never happened but now continue what it is please involved the police and find who is suspect thanks

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