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Akikul Islam

Twelve years for attack on Eid celebration

IT WAS NEARLY 1am on 7th July 2016. Two cars drove into Frimley Way, E1, and three men got out. Akikul Islam sat in his car as the three fell into an argument with a group of about ten men who were already in the road. The argument grew into a fight – with some of the men arming themselves with baseball bats and bottles.

One of the two cars drove off. The car in which Islam was sitting was surrounded by the fighting men. Islam positioned his vehicle – and then drove directly at the brawling men, running over a 24 year old man and then colliding with a parked vehicle.

Again Islam positioned his vehicle until he had a clear way out of Frimley Way. He didn’t take it. Instead, he reversed his vehicle back towards the group – running over the same 24 year old man for a second time, and also running over a 20 year old man. With both men still stuck under the car, Islam drove forwards again – colliding with another parked car and then finally driving away.

Police and the London Ambulance Service were called to the scene. Both men who had been run over were taken to hospital. The 24 year old man was treated and discharged, but the 20 year old man suffered critical injuries for which he continues to receive treatment.

Police officers patrolling in Vallance Road a couple of hours later saw a tow truck beginning to take away a car and realised it was the one involved in the earlier incident. They established that the car had been leased to Islam – whom they traced and then arrested.

Although Islam has now been convicted and sentenced, inquiries into others involved in this incident are continuing. Other arrests have been made.

Islam was found guilty of two counts of causing grievous bodily harm (GBH) and one count of attempted GBH on 15th May. Last week he was sentenced to twelve years in prison.

Detective Inspector Chris Soole, from Tower Hamlets, said, “This sentence reflects the gravity of his actions that day. The court had previously heard that Islam was behind the wheel of a Range Roger which he used as a weapon when he deliberately drove at a group of men who were celebrating Eid-al-Fitr. Two of the men required hospital treatment; one of whom is still receiving medical care. It is fortunate that no one else was harmed.”

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