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Two officers dismissed from Metropolitan Police

TWO CONSTABLES have been dismissed from the Metropolitan Police following case hearings held on 1st December.

•PC Lucas Beach was based at the East Area Command Unit in Romford. He appeared at Basildon Crown Court on 29th June, where he pleaded guilty to charges of making indecent photographs of children, possessing prohibited images of children and possessing extreme poronographic films.
On Friday, 1st December he attended a Metropolitan Police one day special case hearing, where it was alleged that his conduct amounted to “discreditable conduct”, in breach of the Met’s standards of professional behaviour.
The Chair of the hearing found the allegation of misconduct proven and Beach was dismissed from the police force without notice with immediate effect.

•PC Jessica Bartlett, who had worked in Newham, asked to take 28th December as annual leave, but this request was refused. She then failed to attend work. She later told her supervisor that she had not been able to attend work because she was not able to drive her car to work, and she provided a car service invoice to support her case. However, it was later found that her account was dishonest and the document was false.
On Friday, 1st December Bartlett attended a special case hearing, where it was alleged that her conduct amounted to a breach of the Met’s standards of professional behaviour in respect of honesty and integrity.
The disciplinary panel found the allegations were proven and the constable’s lies amounted to gross misconduct and she was dismissed from the police force without notice.

•Read more about it:
Police Volunteer Cadet scheme continues
Met Police help out after hurricane Irma


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