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Urban Muslim Woman show 2012

Emdad Rahman:  The Urban Muslim Woman show returns once again to Londonto empower female Muslims with motivating speeches, spectacular exhibitions, a dazzling runway show, live entertainment and a five star dining experience.

The UBM show is a unique and enlightening event held for the Muslim and non-Muslim women in London. Designed to inspire and motivate, the UBM show provides exclusive entertainment along with delivering a positive message of encouragement and empowerment.

The show will honour some of the UK’s most powerful Muslim Women who have contributed to the field of Business, Fashion, Journalism, Politics and Religion including an Islamic fashion show, along with a 3-course meal, exhibitors and stand-up comedy.

In addition to hearing tips and advice from keynote speakers, attendees will also be provided with networking opportunities with professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, journalists and authors.

Join the event on 19th May at the London Marriot Hotel Grosvenor square for a night of glitz and glamour.  Book your tickets now on 0844-209 7361 or visit

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