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UWT hold Community Fun Day for Rohingya 

Emdad Rahman

THE UMMAH WELFARE TRUST organised a Community Fun Day in Whitechapel to raise awareness of the plight of the Rohingya people in Myanmar – a community which is widely recognised as one of the most persecuted on the planet. 

There was a cake sale alongside fashion attire, stalls, sweets, goodies and sports. A live barbecue proved very popular with visitors too. The event sponsors were Shamim’s Perfect Fried Chicken and Citadel apartments. Team Al-Ansar provided the support.

Fundraising officer Md Imran said, “The Rohingya are experiencing unbelievable torment from their fellow countrymen but we as their global family can support them and raise awareness of their plight. Even a small community event like this will encourage people to donate and raise awareness. I’d like to thank everyone who came to support us today.”

For more information about the Ummah Welfare Trust and its charitable work for the Rohingya, go to:

•Read more about it:
Jamiatul Ummah respond to Burma appeal
BBQ raises funds for Burma


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