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Watch out for thieving con artist in Hackney

A CON-MAN IS carrying out robberies in Hackney – by approaching members of the public and pretending to be a police officer. Police are aware of three such robberies taking place on 8th and 9th April – but are there any more?

In each of the robberies reported to date, the suspect has approached a male victim in the street. He tells them he is a plain clothes police officer and asks them to produce identification. He asked two victims to produce identification and searched them – explaining that they were acting suspiciously or fitted the description of someone the police were looking for.

The three incidents followed the same pattern.

•Incident 1
1.25am; Sunday, 8th April; Alvington Crescent, E8. Victim’s wallet stolen.

•Incident 2
5-6pm, Sunday, 8th April; Evering Road, N16. Victim’s bank card and phone stolen.

•Incident 3
3.50am, Monday, 9th April; Willow Cottages, N16. Victim’s phone and wallet stolen, and victim assaulted.

The suspect is described as a white man, aged 40-50, approximately 5ft 10ins tall and with short hair.

DC Mark Longley of Hackney CID said, “A genuine police officer will always identify themselves using an official warrant card. This will always be in their possession and be available for inspection whether or not they are in uniform. Members of the public can also call 101 to confirm the identity of a police officer.

“Work is underway to identify and arrest this man but I would ask that all members of the public remain vigilant and contact police immediately if they are approached by this individual.”

Anyone who witnessed the above attacks or who suspects they have also been approached by this man is asked to contact Hackney police on 07825-793 215. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

Read more about it:
Clapton murder: one bailed; inquiries continue
Hackney murder: community needs to come forward


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