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What’s on down at the Cemetery Park?

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park is a graveyard situated in Mile End. No longer used for burials, it is now a wildlife haven for flora and fauna alike. It is open to visitors who want to enjoy a little bit of the countryside in the heart of Tower Hamlets and also holds many educational and recreational group events. The Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park (FOTHCP) look after the grounds and events.

THCP bluebellsThe highlight of the Park at the moment is the bluebells. This plant is known to love a woodland habitat, and the bulbs are flowering now and putting on a beautiful display.


On Sunday, 10th April, over 100 top UK artists will be creating a mural on the Ackroyd Drive railway arches as part of a campaign to make the public aware of endangered animals species. The FOTHCP are appealing for people to come and help on the day. The public are welcome to come and watch art being made between noon and 7pm.

fothcp mouseFor those who want to mark St George’s Day by doing something outdoors, there’s a Small Mammal Trapping & ID event, from 9.30am to 3.30pm on Saturday, 23rd April. Children will be able to see small mammals and handle them. The event sold out last time it was offered, so sign up early if you want to be sure of a place.  Unfortunately, the cost is a wapping £25 – so the event is only for the better off members of the community.

fothcp tie die“After Hours” is a new series of events which will take place between 6.30-8.30pm on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month – beginning on Thursday, 28th April. The events will cover a wide range of activities linked with nature and country crafts, and full details will be announced soon. Each event costs £12 (£10 concessions). The launch event on 28th April will look at indigo dyeing, including the traditional Japanese Shibori technique (a sort of Japenese tie-dye). You are invited to bring your own items to dye during the evening.

The Forest School Holiday Club has now announced its sessions for half term and the summer holidays. Early booking is advised.

The Cemetery Park Summer Fair will be held on Saturday, 4th June, from noon until 5pm.

The FOTHCP is supporting he London Natural History Society’s survey of butterflies in London. The key activity is to watch out for butterflies, particularly over the summer months, when they are more prevalent, and then to report sightings.

Details of all the above events, together with many more, can be found on the FOTHCP’s website:

The Friends are based in the Soanes Centre in the Park, which is in Southern Grove, E3 4PX, tel. 020-8983 1277, email:




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