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Missing: Alex Nurthen

Where is missing convict?

POLICE ARE searching for Alex Nurthen, 27, who has links with the East London area as well as with Greenwich, Sussex and Cumbria.

Nurthen was given a prison sentence after being convicted of causing grievous bodily harm and false imprisonment. He was released on licence – but he is now suspected of breaching the conditions of his licence and is being recalled to prison. He is also being treated as a missing person, as the police have concerns about his welfare.

The missing man is described as white, 5ft 11ins tall, of slim build, with blue eyes and short, blond hair. He has tattoos on his neck.

Anyone who sees Nurthen is asked not to approach him but to call 999 at once. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111 and give information anonymously.

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