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Efit of the acid attack suspect

Where’s the Stratford acid-attacker?

HAVE HAD some success recently in arresting acid attack suspects – and seeing them convicted and sentenced in court. However, one attacker is eluding arrest so far – can we find him?

The incident in question is an attempted robbery which took place around 11.30pm on 22nd May. A 32 year old man was walking along the High Street in Stratford towards Stratford Tube station when he was approached by two men, one of whom offered to sell him cannabis and then asked him for money. The victim refused to buy cannabis or give the stranger any money – and then stranger then threw a liquid in the victim’s face.

The victim managed to get to Stratford Tube station, where station staff helped him and called the emergency services. The victim was taken to an East London hospital and then on to a hospital outside London for specialist treatment. He has suffered serious burns which will leave him with permanent scars.

Newham police have drawn together what information they can about the suspect and have now released the above e-fit of the man they wish to interview. He is described as in his late 20s, of Mediterranean appearance and of slim build. He was clean shaven and spoke with a London accent. He was wearing a bright red hooded top, a dark baseball cap and dark trousers.

DC Suhal Miah of Forest Gate CID said, “This was a horrific attempted robbery where the suspect didn’t hesitate to spray his victim with a corrosive substance, knowing full well that it would likely cause life-changing injuries to his victim. We need to identify the man responsible, and we would urge anyone who thinks the e-fit looks familiar, or knows anything about the incident, to come forward and talk to us.”

If you feel you recognise the suspect or have any information about this attack, please phone Forest Gate CID on 020-8217 5820. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

•Read more about it:
Man sought after violent assault in Stamford Hill
A year in jail for acid carrier


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