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Faizah Sharif: I have written many articles about life and what it has in store for us, but many friends and peers have suggested I should write about defeating hardship...


Faizah Sharif: I have written many articles about life and what it has in store for us, but many friends and peers have suggested I should write about defeating hardship. The reason being, hardship is a stage in life every human being has to go through, whether it’s the smallest problem or situation we have to face, hardship always wins! Every one has problems in life and they are all different but the solutions for those problems are the same…
In life we get happiness and sorrow but we never get both when we want them, in other words: when we want to be happy, we’re upset but when we want to be upset (which crazy person would want that?) it’s so easy to pull a face and change your mood, but why?
You see. Hardship is like a king, it does whatever it wants, whenever it wants and upsets whoever it wants. But, it’s a very weak king, it shows every one that it’s so strong and unbeatable, but because it always upsets people and ruins there lives, its heart is very weak.
If you can stand up for yourself and defend yourself from hardship then it can never win, because hardship only attacks those who are impatient and who don’t believe in them selves. The key to defeating hardship is to be patient. I live on this saying because it’s very true: “verily after hardship there will come ease” 
Whenever you’re in a situation that you can’t tackle, just think to yourself that someone somewhere is facing a bigger problem than you are. You should never lose hope and give up because hardship never gives up, if it loses once it will come back more powerful to regain its victory and if you give up then you have no chance against it.
This is a saying I made up my self, but only after I understood how our lives work and what we expect life to be:  
“Life does not give you what you want, but life gives you what you need and when you don’t get what you need, then you get what you want…”

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