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Youth Opportunity Fund 2014/15

Tower Hamlets Youth and Community Services will once again be running the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) this year. YOF is a special fund that offers grants of up to £3,500 for youth projects in Tower Hamlets. Funding decisions are made by local young people who are trained in grant making. Projects must benefit young people who live, work or study in Tower Hamlets and priority will be given to those which include volunteering opportunities.

Do you want to make your area safer, brighter or give young people something to do other than hanging around on the streets or sitting at home playing computer games? Do you want to help reduce the negative hype that surrounds young people by creating events and ideas which involve old and young people alike? Do you want to improve your Youth Centre or learn a new skill and get accredited for it?

If the answer is yes to any of the above, or possibly you have any other great ideas for creating new exciting projects then speak with your friends, ask a youth worker to help you and fill out the application form for a chance to bid for up to £3,500 to make your ideas become reality.

Last year’s theme was to tie in your bid with the UN rights of the child. This year the theme has changed to highlight the Tower Hamlets Mayor’s Charter of Child Rights and make sure that all young people get the chance to be aware of these and help promote them to their friends and peers alike.

Anyone applying to YOF must be supported by an organisation registered with the Youth and Community Services Registration Scheme. If the organisation is not already registered with the scheme, they have to be in the process of registering when they submit their application.

Organisations can register online at:

If you have any queries about registering, please contact Akhlaqul Ambia on 020 7364 0903 or

YOF grants will be paid in two parts; an initial 70% of the grant followed by the remaining 30% once we have received your Evaluation Form and receipts for the full 100% of the grant.

Organisations must be ready to cover their project costs while the grant is administered.

The deadline for application forms to be submitted to for the second round is 16th July 2014

For more information about the programme, go to the amp page ( and click on the links to read the guidance notes and make your application.

If you have any questions, need help or would like a paper copy of the application form, please contact Boris Rupnik on 020-7364 3091 or email

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