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People we NEED to appreciate

:: By Fatema Chowdhury, 15 ::
Family. Can’t live with them, can’t live with out them.  They are always there whether we want them or not. But when we want them there the most they are there no matter what. Family does not mean father, mother, brothers and sisters (yeah usually it’s on American magazines of the perfect family for house wives).It could just be you and your dad or mum. Family does not necessarily mean blood relation, it’s about love, whether they show it or not, but deep down they do care. You could even count a friend as family because they are always there, when you have a bad joke to tell or have a cry on their shoulder, tell it how it is to avoid embarrassment.  We usually don’t appreciate what they sacrifice for us or even aware of what they have sacrificed for us. But I can tell you that if you were put in your parents shoes you would want as much love back as you gave to your children. It’s simple, spend as much time as you can with your family instead of going out every single day with your friends. Spend a minute telling them that you’re grateful for everything they’ve done for you, after all they are most likely going to pay for your university right?  Everyone has heard of the saying,” you don’t realise what you have until it’s gone”. It could be a top you haven’t seen for a few weeks or it could even be a pair of shoes. But when it’s someone like your mother, father, grandparents etc all of these memories come flashing back and you realise it’s not enough, I should have done more with them or I should have apologised for doing that. You never know when they may leave forever, so whatever you want to say and been holding it until the right time, trust me you’ll never find the right time, GET IT OUT IN THE OPEN BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. 

Living Tomorrow: Houses of the Future
:: Faizah Sharif,  aged14 ::
I have researched many pictures and video clips of the future homes. I discovered many amazing facts and experienced a breathtaking moment. To start off with, I will talk about some of the amazing features I saw…
Videos:I visited YouTube and searched for living tomorrow: houses of the future. One of the videos mostly stood out to me; the video showed every new aspect of the future that a home would have and explained what the devices are capable of. For instance, a mirror in your bathroom would also give you entertainment as well as keeping you updated on your health. But how does this work? Well, while you are having a relaxed time brushing your teeth and maybe listening to some music, your ‘electric’ toothbrush monitors your health and mood. How…freakishly amazing!Some of the amazing rooms and features:
The CocoonHave you ever heard of a cocoon…? Of course you have; when it comes to caterpillars and butterflies. Well this cocoon is quiet the opposite. It’s a unique sphere which varies in colours. It has an opening side of the sphere. The inner section is a lovely comfortable atmosphere with other entertainment devices. You can rest in the cocoon as well as entertaining yourself with your very own gaming system or sit back, relax and watch some TV.    
The kitchenThis kitchen is not like any other kitchen in our homes. We normally have three worktops and metal sinks with taps, however in this kitchen of the future there is only one long worktop and a sink which has no taps but buttons for the water. It also has a giant touch screen which controls the entire kitchen. This is a one of kind creation which will be an existing use in the future and everyone will adapt to the style within seconds.
Inside the home of the futureInside this exquisite gem, there will be no room for stress. The main aim of “The houses of the future” is to create a sense of peace and soothing atmosphere. However, with its large inner tertiary, it also gives people a chance to have more than enough personal space and provides children with an exciting home. 
The BedroomYour future bedroom will give you your own cosy corner to do all your daily bedroom activities in private, even if you share a room. With these bedrooms, you have a choice of themes which come in all sorts of varieties. The idea of dim lights in the bed room enables you to be in a relaxed atmosphere. Experiencing this lifestyle is surely a dream come true.These amazing architectures’ are only 5 years away from the housing market. People will automatically adapt to this way of life within seconds. However, we never really wonder if we need this much luxury. No matter how much we have…yet; we still want more?

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