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Arab News launches improved Hajj App

THERE’S A NEW app for pilgrims to use at Hajj – and it comes courtesy of Arab News, which is working in partnership with the Muslim World League. The app is free and is available to download on iOS and Android devices.

The new app, improved for 2018, provides news updates for the user. The signature “Hajj tracker” feature has been retained as an option, allowing loved ones at home to see the location of friends or relatives on Hajj. New features on the 2018 app include a digital Qibla compass, a real-time currency converter and Qur’an prayer audio filaes.

There is a helpful safety feature on the app which gives emergency telephone numbers of embassies and other important organisations a pilgrim may need in a hurry. It is to  be hoped that no one will be in a position where they need to use this feature – but it is reassuring to know that the app can provide speedy help if an unfortunate situation arises.

hajj app logoArab News styles itself as the leading English language daily newspaper in the Middle East. This is the second year that the app has been produced in partnership with the Muslim World League, which strives to provide a service for all Muslims worldwide.

Mohammed Al-Sulami, Arab News’ Jeddah bureau chief and head of the paper’s Hajj coverage team, thanked MWL for its endorsement of the app and said that the aim of this corporate social responsibility initiative is to provide a useful and free service for pilgrims on this unique holy journey.

“Our mission is to make Arab News more global and more digital, and the Hajj App –thanks to the generous support from the MWL – does just that by providing a live news service and helpful, easy-to-use functions that every pilgrim can benefit from during Hajj,” he said.

The Muslim World League commended the newspaper’s initiative of using technology in such an innovative and useful way for the public good. “We are happy to renew our partnership with Arab News and our support of this app, which reinforces our position as an umbrella body seeking to serve Muslims worldwide,” the MWL said.

To download the app, go to:
Apple App Store
Google Play

•Read more about it:
Arab News app promotes Hajj safety
Human Appeal issues Hajj Checklist

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