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Accept it, Embrace it and Move on…!

Fatema Chowdhury: Are you happy the way you are? Are there no parts of you that you would change? I can guarantee that 95% of those who are reading this would say ‘No’. Various age groups with in both the male and female gender have great concern about their appearance. These are the main reasons why many are unsecure about their bodies; the society in which they live in, the media which have influenced them and the people around them.I know there must be at least one feature that you accept or like about yourself, whether it may be the colour of you eyes, the colour of your hair etc. Why change it? And your answer is because the people around you don’t accept it? Why care what others think, they only bring you down. If your so-called ‘friends’ say you need to change, it’s something about yourself, then that just means they haven’t accepted you? And if you change yourself because you’re being bullied in to it, you’re just letting them take control over you and your life. Changing yourself where ever or however many times would never satisfy you, it might even lead to depression. These changes or even trying to change could lead to serious illnesses like, anorexia or bulimia. The features that you like and don’t like about your self, define who you are. You wouldn’t be yourself without it. The only way you can accept it is by saying “but love it” It’s a unique part of you that needs to be shown off. If the people say that you should change, say that you have accepted it as part of you, with in time they will too. If you want to feel happy about it, accept it and embrace it.    Fatema Chowdhury, 15

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