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Faizah Sharif: On my way back from my weekly yoga lesson, feeling peaceful and slightly peckish, I was walking through the new market that an Asian committee recently opened.


Faizah Sharif: On my way back from my weekly yoga lesson, feeling peaceful and slightly peckish, I was walking through the new market that an Asian committee recently opened. They call it ‘Bazaar’. The word bazaar comes from the Urdu, Bengali, Persian and Indian language.
I have no concern in walking through the bazaar every Friday, I just never observed so carefully. It just so appears that on the very day I was so intrigued in the disturbingly amazing events that take place in the bazaar.
A woman that I truly inspire, Mrs Voodoo, She is very strict and up tight but she has a heart full of gold. She owns a charity for orphans, helping them find a brighter future. I never knew she had another talent, yet it was so confusing. Her window is super clear…no curtains or net, so you can see everything she does in her living room. She paints weird paintings every day, and then a French man, who just moved in, climbs her window, takes the bizarre looking painting and pays her a whole sack of money!…? He pays so much money foe such an excusive piece of…umm…well…what’s the word? “CRAP!” 
Then there’s a group of gangsters who walk around with a stereo on there shoulder, they think they spread power and popularity, yeah right? When they turn up the music, it’s extremely quiet. So I thought “why not walk a bit closer and listen to what they’re listening to?” so I did. THEY WERE LISTENING TO BALLET! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? IT’S SO UNBELEIVABLE! I THOUGHT I WAS IN ‘LAA LAA LAND’!
So, from strange I walked into super awkward. Now I was about to walk straight into “WHAT?” zone.  There’s this man, about 45 years old, he sits with his vegetable store. He looks very scary, and everyone knows if you mess with him…your dead! But there’s another side to him that no one knows.He has an extension to his stall but it’s all covered? I managed to sneak in…He has about 6-7 cages filled with butterfly’s and caterpillars! He was coming my way. I quickly slithered out like a snake, and then I heard him talking to the butterflies! He was talking to them as if he was talking to babies? 
Who knew I could find so many unusual clues in the bazaar?
Let’s see what I can discover next yoga lesson…

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