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Are you sitting flexibly? Then we’ll begin…

Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE)

MOST NEURODIVERGENT PUPILS are educated in mainstream schools. While adaptations to seating are sometimes recommended to accommodate the needs of certain children (for example, by occupational therapists), the use of a range of different seating options in classrooms as a whole is not a widespread practice in mainstream schools.

Evaluating the use of Flexible Seating in a mainstream Primary School
CRAE Webinar Series
With Heba Al-Jayoosi 
4pm-5pm, Thursday, 6th October 2022
FREE event

In this talk, Heba will share a case within a mainstream primary school, where different seats (e.g., rocking chairs, wobble stools) were trialled in each classroom from reception (ages 4-5) to year 6 (ages 10-11). She will talk about how the school developed the project, their collaboration with academic partners, and how the pupils’ opinions about the chairs were gathered, along with a summary of the main findings.

Heba will also share an overview from the school staff survey on the use of flexible seating in their classrooms and how the school’s study could potentially influence practice in other schools.

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