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Bishwanath United launch new kit

Emdad Rahman

BISHWANATH UNITED organised a celebratory dinner at Sheba Restaurant, Brick Lane, to launch their new kit and to announce a management committee to drive the organisation forward through sports.

Smart new black Puma shirts sponsored by Oakmont Security were unveiled at a gathering of players, officials, residents and well wishers.

biswanath 2Bishwanath is a locality of the District of Sylhet in Bangladesh. There is a significant population which can trace its origins to there resident in the UK.

After the launch first team manager Pervez Choudhury said, “Bishwanath United are proud to launch our kit. Our priority is sport and we will use football as a platform to promote fit and healthy living as well as participation in sports. I have dedicated people who are supporting me around the clock with team matters and it is a pleasure working in partnership with a great bunch of people to achieve great things.”

Media and PR Lead Nazir Ali commented, “The UK Bishwanathi community significantly contribute towards the development and welfare of not only those in Sylhet but also the greater community in the United Kingdom. We are fortunate to be amongst many organisations who are delivering excellent developmental work and request everyone’s goodwill going forward.”

Bishwanath United: 
Chair: Shomuz Latif
Vice Chair: Md Akthar
Joint Secretaries: Samsul Islam & Reza Miah
Treasurer: Mahmood Ali
Media & PR Lead: Nazir Ali

•Read more about it:
Bishwanath Sports Association holds AGM
Bishwanath United start 2018 with charity game


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