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Artist's impression of the skyscrapers the developers want to build at the western end of Bethnal Green

Breaking news: Boris delays Bishopsgate Goodsyard decision

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, has delayed taking a decision on the planning application put in by Bishopsgate Goodsyard Regeneration Ltd, the developers who are attempting to build on the Bishopsgate Goodsyard site.

The site, just to the north west of Spitalfields, straddles Tower Hamlets and Hackney, and developers had initially put in planning applications to both boroughs. The plans were controversial – developers wanted to build high rise luxury housing, conceding only a tiny amount of social housing tucked round the back. Although developers agreed to put a public park on the site, their design was rejected by local environmentalists, particularly the East London Garden Society – which saw this development as an opportunity to create a sustainable woodland in the heart of London.

Overall developers’ plans would have amounted to building something on the scale of Canary Wharf just by Spitalfields – which would probably have overshadowed much of Whitechapel and parts of Bethnal Green. Local residents formed a group – “More Light, More Power” – and began petitioning and campaigning against the plans.  As local opposition grew, Boris called in the application – that is, he used his powers as mayor of London to take the decision on the planning application away from the boroughs.

The rules on the Mayor taking over planning applications require him to hold a Representation Hearing, where the local authorities can give him their views before his decision. The Authority prepares a “Stage 3 report”, giving the GLA’s views on the application – and which is the paperwork for the hearing. The date for this hearing has been uncertain for a while, but it was finally set for 18th April – and opponents planned to demonstrate outside City Hall as the hearing took place.

Now the developers have asked for the hearing to be postponed so that they can amend the application and work with GLA officials to address concerns in the Stage 3 report.

There are two possible reasons why this has happened.

It may be that GLA officials have genuinely found problems with what was an overblown planning application which would have over-developed the site and blighted the surrounding area. And it may be that the developers allowed scope in their initial application for it to be scaled down. The delay will allow the two sides to work together and reach a compromise which they can then push through. Agreeing a compromise will put them in better stead if the decision is subjected to a Judicial Review.

Alternatively, it may be that Boris is reluctant to take an unpopular decision shortly before the London Mayoral election. The developers will have wanted a sympathetic Boris to determine the application. The two leading contenders to take over are both thought to be less sympathetic to the development, but if necessary any negative reactions from them can be overcome by bumping the decision up to the Secretary of State.

Bishopsgate Goods Yard has enough land to solve both Tower Hamlets’ and Hackney’s housing crisis. On the other hand, it could accommodate more “luxury” investment housing instead. It seems we’ll have to wait till after the mayoral elections to find out which plan will win out.

For more information about the campaign against the development, go to:




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