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Budding food growers are welcome at spring gathering

TOWER HAMLETS is full of thriving food growers – but there’s still plenty of space for new enthusiasts to join the old hands and talk about seasonal food-growing issues.

The Tower Hamlets Food Growing Network is holding its Spring Gathering on Monday, 29th April at the Teviot Centre, Wyvis Street, E14 6QD. It’s a free event, with the Network asking people to register in advance if possible.

The day begins with registration – and plenty of gardening-related stalls to visit. The first talk of the morning is on compositing and food waste. This will be followed by workshops on composting, a celebration of the new and nearby R-Urban Poplar Anaerobic Digester, Spring planting and cooking with food waste. A free lunch will then be provided, which will be followed by a visit to the R-Urban Anaerobic Digester and a detailed workshop on how it all works.

To register for the event, go to:
Spring Gathering

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