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Jayvan Burton (left) and Paul Haughey (right)

Bungling burglars fail to rob empty tills

IT WAS a text book case in hownot to rob a restaurant. And now two men have been found guilty of burgling a Camden eatery in a story which could be the basis of a “Carry On Burgling” film.

The duo’s first mistake was to target a restaurant which was covered by Camden Council’s CCTV. The CCTV operators saw them breaking into a restaurant at 6am on the morning of Saturday, 25th January. This was reported to police, who reached the restaurant very quickly.

Police officers arrested two men outside the restaurant. The men were Paul Haughey, 40, of Camden Road, NW1 and Jayvan Burton, 41, from the Camden area but of no fixed abode.

The second mistake came when the two burglars tried to open the cash register drawers – and failed. They then stole the cash registers.

The third and final error was that the cash registers they failed to break open were in fact empty, with no cash inside.

Earlier this month the two were charged with non-residential burglary, a charge arising out of their theft of the cash registers. Both men attended a hearing at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court at the end of January, and both pleaded guilty to the charge.

Haughey will return to the court on 18th February for sentencing. Burton will be sentenced at Wood Green Crown Court on a date yet to be set.

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