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Celebrate East London’s key workers!

AND ONCE we have celebrated – get ready to defend their jobs. That’s the message from Tower Hamlets UNISON, which has called a virtual May Day rally to talk about the down side of fighting the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Coronavirus pandemic has left many workers uncertain about their jobs.

A range of public sector workers are working without personal protective equipment. Fine workers of appreciation about heroic efforts are spoken – but the Government has not come up with the equipment that workers need. The delay is most obvious in the NHS, but workers in the care sector and other public services such as transport have been risking their lives too.

Private sector workers fear an economic recession is coming, threatening to leave them without a job. The Government has put some emergency measures in place, but it’s quite unclear how – and when – we can return to a viable economy. Are we about to see huge inequality, with some people in work and up to half the private sector workforce unemployed?

And, just to do his bit, Executive Mayor John Biggs is about to sack everyone who works for Tower Hamlets Council.

The rally will be held on May Day – the traditional International Workers’ Day. It will celebrate how the workforce has taken on the battle against Coronavirus. It will also lay the foundations for that same workforce to take on a second battle: for safe and fair conditions for workers; for jobs for all; and for John Biggs to behave like the Mayor of a Labour Council and not some 19th century Victorian villain.

Start your weekend with the virtual rally:
5.15pm, Friday, 1st May
Virtual May Day Rally
Zoom 921-0772-3224

●Read more about it:
Biggs cuts Meals on Wheels for vulnerable adults
Biggs consults on clobbering kids’ services (again)

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