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Come and learn about health and housing

AFTER YEARS OF campaigning, it looks like politicians are finally acknowledging the need for more housing in the UK – particularly social housing.

And after similar years of grassroots campaigning, politicians are also recognising how important – and underfunded – the NHS is. People who are homeless or who live in badly maintained or overcrowded housing make more demands on the NHS. Investing in housing could save the NHS money.

One small medical campaign has linked the two issues and is working for improvements in both. It is fighting on all fronts: pressing for a change in policies, but also trying to generate solidarity for local campaigns.

Medact’s Housing & Heath Group is holding a meeting to brief campaigners old and new about their work and to discuss future events and targets. The meeting is in their office in Bethnal Green, but you can also attend on Zoom. Everyone with an interest in housing and health policy is very welcome to attend.

London Housing & Health meeting
6.45-8.30pm, Thursday, 14th November
Register to attend: here
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Read more about it:
Medact plans campaigns on climate and health
Selling our health data: so wrong

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