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Corona crisis: solidarity with Gaza

WHILE THE PUBLIC tries to cope with a three month lockdown in the UK, spare a thought for the people of Gaza – a state that’s been in lockdown for 15 years, thanks to a blockade imposed by the Israeli state.

Two campaigning organisations are calling on activists to take action in solidarity with the people of Gaza. The fight for survival in this small enclave is ongoing – but it can only become worse if the Israeli state continues its blockade during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)
The PSC has named today – Saturday, 28th March – as a Digital Day of Action for Palestine. Although many of its actions are taking place in one co-ordinated day, it is still valuable for individuals to join in on any other day too.

The day began with a Twitterstorm, between noon and 2pm, with activists being asked to mark the second anniversary of the Great Return March with a tweet protesting at the Israeli state’s violations of international law and in support of the rights of the Palestinian people. Tweeters were asked to use the hashtags #ExistResistReturn and #EndtheSiege and either to tweet in sup

PSC reminds us that over the last two years, actions by the Israeli state have killed over 250 Palestinians and injured more than 29,000. With cases of Coronavirus now being reported in Gaza, and medical facilities which are not adequate to cope with a crisis and have no way of expanding to meet it, 2 million people are now at series risk. PSC has asked supporters to tweet photos of themselves holding placards calling for an end to the siege of Gaza – using the same hashtags.

PSC is also running an e-action, calling on the UK Government to take action to end the Israeli state’s illegal siege of Gaza.

For full information about the PSC campaign, including sample tweets and a link to sign the e-action, go to:
Palestine Solidarity Campaign

If Not Now
This campaign is trying to build a movement of Jewish people in the US to campaign against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. To that end, it organises online actions as well as direct action.

If Not Now points out that the Israeli state has been controlling what goods and supplies enter and exit Gaza for some 15 years. It has now launched an online petition demanding that the Israeli state lift this blockade and allow the medical supplies that would help the authorities in Gaza fight the Coronavirus into the country.

This long blockade has caused endless suffering to the people of Gaza – and the international community has tolerated this suffering. Unless governments wake up now and put pressure on the Israeli state, this suffering could turn into a Corona-induced genocide.

The If Not Now petition is supported by Medact. Sign it here:

Read more about it:
Defend free speech in Tower Hamlets
Gaza under attack after Trump U-turn

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