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Dagenham 88 support mental health run & talk

Emdad Rahman

DAGENHAM 88 RUNNERS are pleased to be involved in England Athletics #runandtalk campaign, with a focus on raising awareness of mental wellbeing.

Louise Chappell, Lynne Northcott and Rosina Salmon have recently been appointed Mental Health Champions for the Club and would like to invite everyone to attend a #runandtalk event on Wednesday, 10th October in honour of World Mental Health Day.

Running can really help with holistic wellbeing, with GPs now encouraging people to attend Parkrun, a free running event taking place all over the UK each Saturday morning. Parkrun has particularly proven useful for individuals presenting with symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Lynne Northcott said, “Five years ago I was prescribed medication for stress related high blood pressure. I started running and joined Dagenham 88 and attended Parkrun. I feel so much happier and positive and no longer need the medication. Being around such positive people has been life changing for me. What’s good for the body is good for the mind.

“Running is a great way to relieve stress and improve one’s mood. You don’t need to have a mental health problem to come along. Everyone is welcome. Soft drinks and cake will be provided after a short walk or jog or run up to 2 miles. Please come along and join in.”

Rosina Salmon added, “I joined the D88 first step programme in 2015, completing the twelve week programme to run 5k and am so glad I did. I did it initially to lose weight, but it’s so much more than that now. I’ve made many new friends and have completed lots of different races and completed over 80 Parkruns. Running is definitely good for the mind as well as body and running with the Club means you’ll always have someone to run and talk with.”

The next meet up is at May & Baker Sports Club, Dagenham Road, Dagenham, Essex RM7 0QX at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 10th October.

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