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Do you laugh enough?

:: Nazmin Chowdhury ::

Life is filled with problems and we’ll never get rid of them all. So why not face your worries with a positive attitude and a bit of laughter?Humour has immense importance in life and it makes person’s life motivating and enjoyable. It is infectious, the sound of laughter is more contagious that the sounds of a cough sneeze or even a cry. Humour has the tendency to amuse and provoke laughter. If you get pleasure and amusement by getting something then you must accept the fact that this thing really exists.Not everybody as the same sense of humour, this is not necessarily negative thing but it highlights that everybody has a different sense of acceptance.  What is considered funny varies from person to person and also varies from time and circumstance. Sometimes we go through very tough situations in life but later on when we remind the same situation we may found it humorous. This is due to changes in our perspective over time. Sense of humour is a very precious thing in life and you can make your life more enjoyable and stress- free by increasing this sense. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body.  Laughter can boost your energy, diminish pain and remove you from depressing thoughts. Humour and Laughter can be powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict.We do not require a degree to put a smile on our faces.   All that is needed is a simple change of attitude. As adults we all have busy lifestyles, and the truth is the busier we get, the more we need laughter and humour. Any kind of laughter is good, no matter what media presents it. So we should open up to the healing properties that humour presents. After all, a grin uses far fewer facial muscles than a frown. So unless you feel a great need to exercise more of your facial muscles than necessary, a smile, a grin, chuckle will make you feel a whole lot better than worrying about bills and the future.Smile, and everyone smiles with you, cry, and you cry alone.

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