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Don’t pass the smoking habit on to your kids

IT IS OFFICIAL: children whose parents or carers smoke are more likely to take up smoking themselves, as teenagers or even in later life. That’s another good reason to start the New Year by stopping smoking.

Non-smokers will often describe smoking as a dirty habit and treat smokers as if they are ignorant of the dangers of smoking or too lazy to stop. This is hardly helpful: smoking is highly addictive, and most smokers know that stopping will be a huge struggle. Smoking may annoy others, but to the smoker it is highly pleasurable. It takes over their brain and helps them function.

It is therefore important not only to help smokers stop smoking, but also to break the habit and stop the cycle of new generations starting to smoke. A new study has found that teenagers whose parents or carers smoke are four times more likely to start smoking than teens whose caregivers do not smoke. Parents and carers who stop smoking could have a real influence on halting the rate of smoking in the UK.

We have to make sights like this a thing of the past.

Referring to the government campaign “Better Health, Smoke Free”, which was launched on 28th December, GP Dr Nighat Arif said, “One in eight adults in England still smokes, and it remains the leading preventable cause of premature death. Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health, and it’s never too late to quit. If you want to quit smoking for your family or for your own health this January, you’re not alone. The Better Health campaign provides tons of proven support and resources from the NHS which can help you quit for good.”

Public Health teams in local Councils run smoking cessation schemes. Residents can find details by searching their Council website. You can also talk to your GP or local pharmacy. Search “smoke free” on the internet for further support, or go to:
Smoke free

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