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East Area PC dimissed for deceit

IT WAS AN open and shut case when PC Sarah Medlock, who had been working in the East Area Command Unit (which covers Redbridge, Havering and Barking & Dagenham), appeared before a Metropolitan Police disciplinary hearing.

It was alleged that on a number of occasions between November 2015 and May 2016, PC Medlock had not been present at work – but another officer had logged into the system and marked her down as present.  PC Medlock admitted some of the allegations and admitted that these amounted to gross misconduct.

The Metropolitan Police disciplinary panel found her guilty of conduct which amounted to a breach of the police standards of professional behaviour in respect of “honesty and integrity” and of “discreditable conduct”.

The panel agreed that the breaches amounted to gross misconduct. PC Medlock was dismissed from the force without notice and has been placed on the “Police Barred List” which will prevent her from taking any future employment with police in the UK.

•Read more about it:
Crime’s up – as Tories cut police funding
Hackney cop dismissed from Met


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