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ELGS launches London Community Flower Show

The latest edition of The Voice – newsletter of the East London Garden Society – has announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign to create a London Community Flower Show. The news comes out as the slightly snooty Chelsea Flower Show finishes its run – and the rather more down to earth Chelsea Fringe winds down. The ELGC vision is of a show which looks at the reality of gardening in the capital, with all its diversity – a truly community festival of horticulture. For more information, including how to pledge your £15, go to

elgs_logoElsewere in this month’s newsletter there’s plenty to learn and enjoy. Learning’s not just for youngsters and this month there’s a fascinating article explaining how fungus can destroy rock. Read it now, and then you can have something to talk to your little ones about next time you’re down the park together. There’s a checklist on how to care for cut flowers and advice on how to deal with toxic soils. There’s instructions on how to make a moss ball garden – swat it up now, ready for a rainy day during the summer holidays.

The newsletter also highlights courses, events and things to see around East London. Go have a read:





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