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ELMT seeks archivist

THE EAST LONDON MOSQUE TRUST (ELMT) is looking for an archivist to manage and develop its growing Archive Collection.

The ELMT would like to organise the many documents it already holds into a structured archive of the formal records of the East London Mosque and related organisations covering the years since 1910.

It would also like to gather papers relating to or from the key individuals associated with the Mosque and its affiliates over that time – as well as other primary source material relating to the East London Mosque and the history of British Muslims more generally.

It is envisaged that the new Archivist will assess the current holdings and take the lead in acquiring new material – cataloguing old and new materials to professional standards. The postholder will then be required to devise a strategy for public access to the archives and engagement with their material.

The post will require some flexibility in working hours as some evening and weekend working may be required. Any offer of employment will be subject to satisfactory references. Application forms must be returned by 30th April.

For more information, contact the ELMT Human Resource Department:
020-7650 3031
Application Form

Job Description

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