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Subhan Sajjad (left) and Imran Habib (right): imprisoned for causing grievous bodily harm.

Four men jailed for driving at young cyclist

FOUR MEN were jailed earlier this month for driving at a 16 year old boy, leaving him with life-changing injuries. The incident occurred on 5th December 2015, in E13, beginning just after 5pm as reports came in to police that there was a fight in Plashet Road.

Witnesses said that after the actual fight, Subhan Sajjad and Imran Habib drove away from the scene in an Audi A1. They drove round the area – and came across their victim riding his bike in Bishops Avenue, E13. They accelerated and drove into him, knocking him off his bike.

As police arrived, they found the victim unconscious, with injuries to his head and legs. He was taken to an East London hospital, where he received medical treatment for two weeks.

Mohammed Choudhary

Mohammed Choudhary

Shortly after the incident, Mohammed Choudhary, who owned the Audi, reported to police that his car had been stolen. Police investigated the report and established that it was a false report and arrested him on suspicion of attempted murder.

Choudhary later admitted that he had in fact given his car to Haroon Ahmed, who had, in turn, given it to Sajjad. Choudhary also admitted that Sajjad had phoned him to say the car had been involved in an accident and that Choudhary should report it stolen. Choudhary was later charged with perverting the course of justice.

Haroon Ahmed

Haroon Ahmed

Sajjad was arrested for an unrelated matter in February 2016. CCTV evidence linked him to the incident and he was charged with attempted murder on 1st July 2017. Ahmed was wanted for attempted murder. He was seen by police in May 2016 in E13, driving a blue Maserati. When he realised police had seen him, he drove off but then crashed and tried to run away. When police caught him, he admitted that he had been trying to run away as he knew police wanted him. He was later charged with helping Sajjad flee from the scene of the incident.

Habib gave himself up in December 2016 and was then arrested on suspicion of murder. CCTV evidence linking him with the scene was found and he was charged with attempted murder in July 2017.

DI Robert Allen from the Metropolitan Police Trident and Area Crime Command said, “This was a tenacious and painstaking investigation which has seen four dangerous offenders brought to justice. The young victim suffered life-changing injuries and I hope this sentence brings him some measure of comfort and closure to the family.”

Charges and sentences

Imran Habib, 20, of Wyatt Road, E7
Subhan Sajjad, 23, of Bradleigh Avenue, Grays, Essex
Each sentenced at Blackfriars Crown Court on 8th March for causing grievous bodily harm with intent to 14 year prison sentence and a nine year driving disqualification.

Mohammed Choudhary, 28, of Plashet Grove, E6
Jailed at Blackfriars Crown Court on 15th March for 14 months for perverting the course of justice and given a two-and-a-half year driving disqualification.

Haroon Ahmed, 22, of Barking Road, E13
Jailed at Blackfriars Crown Court on 15th March for 16 months for perverting the course of justice and given a two-and-a-half year driving disqualification.

•Read more about it:
Daniel Frederick murder: second man charged
Fatal shooting in Forest Road


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