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Ilford man jailed for sexual activity with a child

A MAN who was convicted of inciting a nine year old boy to engage in sexual activity has been jailed for just ten months.

Mohammed Shabir, 49, pleaded guilty to the offence at Snaresbrook Crown Court on 29th June. He returned to the Court on 14th July for sentencing. Shabir is a Pakistani national who is resident in Ilford.

Shabir was caught by chance. A police officer who was investigating another matter viewed some CCTV footage taken on 25th March and noticed Shabir engaging in sexual activity with the boy. The two were in the open but shielded by a parked car. The police officer enlisted other officers who investigated what had been seen. They were able to identify Shabir and he was quickly charged.

Detective Inspector Laura Hillier of the Metropolitan Police Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Command said, “Mohammed Shabir is a very dangerous offender. He targeted this young child and persuaded him to perform a sexual act on him in a public place during daylight hours. This is an unusual case where police were presented with video evidence of a sexual crime against a child whilst reviewing private CCTV for another case. Detectives actively searched and located the young child victim in this case who bravely recounted what had happened to him. He and his family are being supported by professionals.”

Detective Constable Kiran Bratch, also of the Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Command, said, “The Metropolitan Police are committed to investigating any such offences committed against children and will strive to bring any offenders to justice.”

•Read more about it:
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Find man who preyed on child in Newham


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