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Syrian children enjoying Qurbani meat in Turkey

Islamic Relief plans massive Qurbani operation

UK-BASED CHARITY Islamic Relief is planning a massive distribution of meat to mark Eid ul Adha on 21st August – reaching out to refugees and impoverished communities in the UK and across large parts of the world.

IR 2This special day is usually marked by the sacrifice of an animal, the meat of which is then shared between friends, family and the poor. Islamic Relief is hoping to distribute meat to over 2.7 million people, many of whom will not have eaten meat for months.

It is going to be a challenge. The people Islamic Relief is hoping to reach are located in some of the most remote and dangerous parts of the world – in 35 different countries in all. Top of the difficult places to reach are Syria and Yemen. There will be distribution in East Africa, where many animals have been lost to drought, and in impoverished areas the length and breadth of the UK..

Samina Haq, Head of Programmes at Islamic Relief UK, said, “We have been distributing Qurbani meat overseas since 1986. Each year it is an enormous undertaking. We face numerous challenges to obtain the best-quality meat at the most competitive prices whilst reaching as many people as possible in need.

Qurbani recipient in Yemen

Qurbani recipient in Yemen

“Our teams on the ground, from Syria and Gaza to Afghanistan and Mali, are working in very dangerous contexts, dealing with numerous challenges, such as the extreme heat, no electricity and very weak infrastructures. They are driven by the desire to help as many people in need as they can.”

For more information about Islamic Relief and its work, and to donate towards the Qurbani or other appeals, go to:

•Read more about it:
Islamic Relief aid gets through in Indonesia
Islamic Relief moves up a gear in Yemen

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