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Jamiatul Ummah turns in outstanding GCSEs

THIS YEAR’S GCSE results have again been a credit to the hard work of pupils at Jamiatul Ummah school – and the dedication of their teachers and strong support from parents.

There is a new system of grading GCSEs this year, with each subject being graded one to nine, with nine being the highest. However, regardless of the new system, the school is delighted with how pupils have done – describing results as “outstanding” right across the curriculum, including in English, Mathematics and Science.

Congratulations go to the highest performers – Mohammed Kamrul Ahsan and Sabir Hussain Miah, who both achieved six grade 9s, two grade 8s and one grade 7. This is the equivalent of attaining nine GCSEs at A to A** grades under the old system.

Congratulations also go to Al-Harith Haj Yousif, who attained five grade 9s, and Mohammed Mahdiur Rahman, who attained four grade 9s. Both made their school an familes very proud.

Jamiatul Ummah Principal, Mr Nojarul Islam, expressed his delight with the results, saying, “Pupils at Jamiatul Ummah School have performed very well again this year. We are particularly pleased to see our pupils attaining high grades in the new 9-1 GCSEs in Arabic, History and Computing. Pupils and staff have worked extremely hard throughout the last academic year and we are very pleased with the outcome.”

He went on to say, “The school is continuing to improve in all areas and aspires to be outstanding at the next Ofsted Inspection. The progress pupils make at Jamiatul Ummah is excellent and is a testament to the high levels of dedication, commitment and resolve of our staff, parents, governors and trustees who do their utmost to ensure our pupils successfully build a solid platform from which to embark on the next phase of their academic lives.”

Mr Hasan Mueenuddin, Chair of the Board of Trustees, was delighted with the results and added, “Dawatul Islam UK & Eire, the founding Charity of the School, will relentlessly invest in our young people and is working towards creating generations of confident young Muslims who will make positive contribution in British Society at all levels.”

The Chair of the Governing Body, Mr Shabbir Kawsar, also congratulated students and praised staff for their hard work – and also thanked the community for their continued support. He expressed gratitude to parents for their trust and confidence in the school throughout.

Jamiatul Ummah congratulated its pupils for achieving these results and wished every one of them every success in their future endeavours. The school also thanked parents, teachers, governors and trustees, without whose support this achievement would not have been possible.

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