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Leader and Mayor open Hedgecock Community Centre

Emdad Rahman

THE LEADER OF Barking & Dagenham Council and the Civic Mayor were the chief guests at the opening of the Hedgecock Centre – a community hub providing services to all residents.

The opening event was attended by over 200 local residents, and there were fun and recreational activities along with food and refreshments.

The management of the Hedgecock Community Centre are working to enhance and improve the quality of life of the local community with particular emphasis on the most vulnerable. A range of educational, recreational, cultural and social services are on offer.

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Barking & Dagenham council leader Darren Rodwell said, “A big round of applause to everyone for leading such a great community project. A community hall is the heart of the community and I want to see more of these spaces in every ward.”

Deputy Leader Councillor Saima Ashraf added, “We are having open and honest conversations with our residents to see what they want and I’m pleased with the feedback we are receiving. The opening of this centre and its activities will go a long way towards engaging with everyone.”

Mayor Abdul Aziz led the ribbon-cutting ceremony and commented, “The Hedgecock Community Centre has shown that it is helping the greater multi-faith community, promoting shared values, tolerance and cohesion. I’m very pleased to be here today.”

Local resident Zainab Rahman is pleased that the community has a place to congregate and said, “As a student I’m really pleased that we have an organisation which is supporting everyone. Being available for young people is vital for our future.”

Hedgecock Community Centre Chair Yusuf Khan thanked attendees and concluded, “Our core values include community cohesion, empowerment, inspiration and engagement in order to become a hub for the community. Services we hope to provide include a lunch club and youth activities.” Khan also announced that an Ageing Well project is due to be launched on 18th October.

The event was chaired by Harun Miah and attendees included Councillors Rocky Gill, Faruk Choudhury and community activist Moklisur Rahman.

For more information about the community centre, go to:

•Read more about it:
Mayor visits Barking soup kitchen
Barking Riverside gets the Overground


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