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Local Group raises money for Palestine Solidarity

IT HAS BEEN A busy year for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC). The Israeli state continues to flout international law as it occupies Palestine – and now the US has abandoned the last vestiges of the peace process and increased tension by moving its embassy to Jerusalem.

The UK refuses to ban arms sales to the Israeli state – which uses those weapons to kill, injure and subjugate the Palestinians who are herded into Gaza and the West Bank or live in exile, as refugees.

Alongside all the usual work, PSC has been working to support the rights of those investing pension funds to consider the ethics of what they are investing in. The High Court ruled last year that pension companies can choose not to invest funds in companies which support the Israeli state – but this year the Court of Appeal overturned that ruling. Now PSC needs to raise funds to meet legal costs and try to challenge the issue in the Supreme Court.

To help raise funds for PSC, the Tower Hamlets branch of PSC and Jenin Friendship Association is holding its traditional summer garden party. This will be on Saturday, 25th August – from 6.30pm in Bow. Delicious Palestinian food will be available, and you should take your own drinks. Full details of the venue will be given to those buying tickets, which are £15.

To book your place:
or go to:

To donate to the national PSC emergency appeal, go to:

•Read more about it:
Palestine is still occupied, lest we forget it
Corbyn visits Jordan on World Refugee Day

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