A MAN IS in hospital with a head injury tonight, Tuesday, 9th July, after an astonishing display of force by police trying to arrest him – for no apparent reason.
Witnesses told East London News that the man had come to the Aberfeldy estate, just north of the entrance to the Blackwall Tunnel in Tower Hamlets, to visit his sister, who had invited him and his family to dinner. He got out of his car, carrying flowers he intended to give to his sister. In the car were the man’s wife and two children – one of whom is unwell and depends on oxygen. The man has a blue badge for his car because of his child’s condition.
The man parked his car on a single yellow line. As he did so, a police car happened to drive past. Eyewitnesses say that police car stopped and a police officer got out and came up to the window of the man’s car. Witnesses heard the police officer tell the man that he could not park on a single yellow line and the man pointing out that he could do so because he had a blue badge.
Witnesses say that the police officer responded by stating that he would give the man “five points” and that he was under arrest. They further state that the man’s wife asked if they could discuss this and the officer insisted that the driver was under arrest because “your husband’s attitude stinks.”
After this several things began to happen at once. The driver got out of the car, with carrier bags he had intended to take to his sister. The police began to restrain him. The driver struggled as two officers and then three pinned him down. The driver’s wife screamed and screamed. The driver, struggling on the floor shouted repeatedly that his head hurt.
By this time a crowd gathered and passers by began to film. Films are circulating on social media, but we have decided not to publish these out of respect to the driver, who is clearly in pain, and his wife, who is clearly out of her mind with worry.
From the videos it can be seen that the driver, his wife and his children (who remained in the car) were screaming in pain and distress. It is also possible to see the force that the police were using to restrain the driver. It does not appear that the driver was attempting to run away or take action that would require restraint. While he doesn’t stay calm and submit to the police restraint, he looks like someone who was not expecting to be floored by the police as he tried to go to dinner with his sister and was just trying to get to his feet.
One police officer – a large one – can be seen sitting on top of the driver. Another can be seen punching his side. Another is lying on his legs and also using his radio. Then it gets worse. Films on social media show that the driver has begun to have a fit. The crowd shout this out to police. Eventually the police notice. More police officers arrive and begin to clear the crowd away – telling them the main is having a fit.
Some people on social media have suggested that the driver was tasered: eye witnesses who were close to the incident tell us that this was not the case and, indeed, no taser can be seen in the footage on social media.
The films stop there, but eyewitnesses tell us that the driver was taken to an East London hospital by ambulance. Police went with him in the ambulance: his relatives were not allowed to accompany him and the police and ambulance paramedics would not tell the family which hospital he was being taken to (although they were able to track him down).
Tonight we understand that the victim of what does appear to be an inappropriate police response is in hospital, with head injuries which do not appear to be life-threatening. This case will clearly need to be investigated, but it has to be said that the informal films of the incident are shocking and all too reminiscent of the restraint of Rashan Charles which was caught on CCTV. We have said before that watching that film should be part of police training. Tonight we say that again.
•Read more about it:
Rashan Charles dies while being restrained by police
(warning – distressing content in the video on the Rashan Charles page)
Police on Lawrence case face investigation
There was a taser the police officer who was on the victims feet was trying to hide it these officers are criminals with a badge they don’t respond to urgent matters as quickly as they should but they go round harassing and beating up innocent people it disgusting they should be prosecuted.
Totally disgusting behavior from the police officers!
There was a taser involved it was seen near the legs of the victim.
Plus have the police not seen the signs all over the country stating “not all disability is visible” so y we’re they treating him about giving him points in his license & arresting him for!
Action definitely needs to be taken on all the officers involved in tackling the victim on to the ground so that something like that doesn’t repeat again by officers in the future!
We want to see justic
He isn’t disabled..his kid is…so your comment is a bit misleading…saying that as a person driving a disabled person about you are allowed to park on single and double yellow in most places but if I’m not mistaken in certain parts of London you can’t park
on yellows even with a blue badge.. that’s what I was told by the issuing council. Apart from that a parking offence if it was one certainly doesn’t require any force like that.. that’s an assault and abuse of office. Gives proper coppers a bad name..
It seems to me that it was racial attack but its very appalling they dont respond to urgent quieries but their going on harassing inncocent people its very disappointing they should definitley be justice
We are not judge on this crime let state government do they judge In this world
people are taking the law in they own hand..
try reading the article, he wasn’t disabled his child was. So why not let the child out while parked there, then move the car to a safe place
The driver has a right to park in a disabled zone if he has a permit even if it is for his child.
Don’t fight when you under arrest. Who knows, you might get kill while fighting. And you will not come back on this Earth. Please to all my people up there get this message
Yes he should have let the disabled person out then moved the car. I have a disabled badge and no you can’t park everywhere, there are certain rules and places where you can’t park.
Very said … Yes we want justice and all of the so-called officers need to be suspended and new officers need to have a proper training and education they are here to help us not kill us they need to catch real criminals not innocent people
Yes I agree you can see one of the policeman, punching him with his handcuffs nothing but uniformed thugs lock the lot of them up should be ashamed of themselves pigs
That same officer punhed the victum 3 times in the ribs with cuffs in his hand fucking vile police are fascists too, the victum did nothing wrong! WTF
The witnesses say they was no taser, the films show no taser so what evidence do you have for this statement? And police don’t taser someone they are in physical contact with, the charge would pass through. Please use facts when objecting to this case, not fabrication as it muddies the water and helps no one.
yes you can see a taser but what on earth is going on this is outrageous and why all the force tif there was a traffic violation then refer it to the relevant departments but we cant have this type of violence from the police and i must admit they dont seem much good in using their training in restraining someone thank goodness they didnt have guns
The video which shows the police men assaulting and punching the man is totally disrespectful. The policemen should be sacked. This behaviour is totally unacceptable. Action should be taken !
Agree these officers should be withdrawn from there post
Policemen is not our enemy. That may be part of a training session. We do not know. Let’s not being speculative. Police are here to help us.they are our(weak) friend. Must have a reason. Clam down please.They ought to send a press relase.
A Training session? Behave yourself Mohammed, this is nothing but an abuse of power and these officers need their badges taken away as well as charges brought against them for assault.
They look like the enemy from the videos! Using toooo much force and weight and weapons on a normal guy who is helpless with loads of them so called officers on him! Ur lucky a riot isn’t breaking out!
Its absolutely disgusting this sort of behaviour from the police is taking away are trust over the police the guy was assaulted they weren’t doing their job if they were they wouldn’t need to use 3 of them to pin him down kick him in his ribs or hot with the handcuff on the temple of the head plus they had no respect for his wife and disabled child these sort of officers should be sacked don’t deserve to carry law and order on their shoulders .
Police are abusing their power when it non-white skin, I have always seen they are polite with white skin and this not the first nor it’s going be the last when police are abusing their power against coloured people
By looking at the video they r not our friends nor they are actual police they are enemies snd raciest it wasn’t so big deal for thm to do all this u can see poor driver can’t breath disgusting sick evils pushing with his elbow on the driver neck throat and fat man sitting on poor driver one the skinny evil monster punching poor driver we all all want justice so this don’t happen again to anyone wat ever race they are frm all evil so called officers needs to be suspended as soon as possible they don’t belong to the community and go and join USA sick evil officers they are copping thm I just feel so sorry for the driver and his family and little children they will have nightmares all ther life now

police should be our best friends wer will b safe but now I’m scared that video made me cry and more depressed now I couldn’t even sleep till now
Don’t fight when you under arrest. Who knows, you might get kill while fighting. And you will not come back on this Earth. Please to all my people up there get this message
The man appeared to be non-White. And that explains it all. A White would not be treated that way.
I wish that was the case!! trust me!!
Why was he punching him using handcuffs ? We have seen the videos this should be on every news outlet as this is abuse of power.
Regardless police is our enemy or not- it was heart breaking to watching this video where few police officers were tackling one man(unarmed) with such brutality and over what reason?
Sorry Mohammad Ali Imam, I laugh at your comments “ it may be part of a training session”. “Police is here to help us”- hilarious. This man is in hospital now.
Soo true we want to see justic
And I don’t think they are police they are animals at work.
Looks like a resist of arrest to me
Nothing to see here.
Absolutely shocking and sick behaviour by this team of officers all overpowering a helpless man! We demand an enquiry and if need be, the sacking of all the officers involved. We can’t trust these sort of gangsters in a uniform.
I think this is disgusting jus because they are police officers it does not give the rite to treat this guy in that manner .he had disable badge he was to move his car he said his good blue badge that means he can park on single yellow line .the police officer could issue a ticket or remove his car if he was obstructing traffic .they did not have to beat him to that extent.he did not be rude to the officer nor did he have any kind of weapons on him to harm the officers his wife was pleading with the police .they jus ignored her .this case should be taken to the highest level of punishment these officers should be sacked from there jobs .also compensation should be given the man who got treated in that manner.absouletly disgusting behaviour from the police force.
Forget about inquiry and action. Remember you live in Whites land.
The caution required in England and Wales states,
“You are under arrest on suspicion of (offence). You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”
Plenty to see here.
They had no reason to arrest him. they cannot and should notabuse their “power”.
Eye witness accounts state exactly what happened.
Of course the police will make up some tall tale on why they arrested and did not caution him. He had shopping and flowers in his hands. He was not resisiting until they jumped him.
Bully boys having a bad day.
nothing will happen to them, they will close ranks and there will be lies and a cover up. watch this space.
This is a typical racist & universal reply from a group of hooligans namely the pig
. I myself have been convicted falsely after this type of fake arrest so called.. people must protest & get these scum convicted & away from ever serving as police again …..
Andrew… we will all like to see when you are in a similar position. helpless and trashed by law enforcement.
Its absolutely disgusting this sort of behaviour from the police is taking away are trust over the police the guy was assaulted they weren’t doing their job if they were they wouldn’t need to use 3 of them to pin him down kick him in his ribs or hot with the handcuff on the temple of the head plus they had no respect for his wife and disabled child these sort of officers should be sacked don’t deserve to carry law and order on their shoulders .
Of course you would say that, the moment an asian man is being attacked by police, its totally fine. What a joke.
No reson for these officers for this sort of behaviour there’s bigger criminals around and they don’t do nothing these officers shouldn’t be on duty they should be sacked
If you can’t say something sensible shut the fuck up
Absolutely disgusting behaviour. The poor kids suffer. They no longer will trust police. Whatever happened before not worthy of this treatment, the man had shopping and flowers, not a weapon/s.
What was he being arrested for, legally parking on a single yellow line? Abuse of power ready to pounce! Disgusting behaviour.
I can only pray the local MP and councillor and others who have knowledge can get involved and even bring in the general public to raise voice against these nasty attacks by people with authority on civilians
Again police show their discrimination it sick, we want these officers dismissed for their actions and compensation for the person if he is innocent. A inquiry should be held on the conduct of these officers.
Is this the ‘stinking attitude’ police have once they’ve qualified?
Is this what our tax is paying towards?
Its absolutely disgusting this sort of behaviour from the police is taking away are trust over the police the guy was assaulted they weren’t doing their job if they were they wouldn’t need to use 3 of them to pin him down kick him in his ribs or hot with the handcuff on the temple of the head plus they had no respect for his wife and disabled child these sort of officers should be sacked don’t deserve to carry law and order on their shoulders .
Why are so many of you surprised at this? There are dozens of black people who have recorded such evidence. The Police as an institution attracts those who seek official powers, it attracts the closet racist, it promotes a brotherhood of exclusion.
Stop turning the other cheek and fight in the courts.
Racism at it finest!!
Starting at a poor family just cause he parked at a single yellow.
These police officers should atleast be given 6months in prison if not more. They are violating their police badge
The videos seen and the statement now made public suggest that the police were simply doing their job, this is what policing is all about, public safety. If an individual they are addressing is not complying to what the officer demands then I am sorry I have no sympathy for them. We need to go by the law of the land.
What was the guy thinking by shouting, screaming and creating a scene the officer will let him off, let it be a lesson for those scambag like him so that incidents of this nature is not repeated.
I agree don’t scream and make a scene….you need to follow rules and yes the police mans duty is to react when people break the law
Wow!! I hope you have the same sentiments had that been a member of your family. There were 3 officers sitting on top of him and manhandling him. They had no consideration whatsoever for the children inside the car whom may be traumatised. Sad.
Now the videos have come to light showing what really happened the man was clearly in the wrong. He was asked 5 times nicely yet his only concern was to hold the camera. The officer was doing his lawful job but the man wanted to play the race card
Don’t think he was holding the phone himself as u would not of seen what had happened to him by the police (assault} The police did not have the patience to explain or advise clearly just use bully boy tactics.
Couldn’t agree more
And what made u define him as scum. First if all there actions were not necessary at all. They are simply beating him up infront of his wife and children. 3 men for one person he ended up in hospital. And ur telling me its their duty what duty tells you to injure harmless citizens. Police need training on where and how to park. I see police officers drive on bus lane take wrong exits simply overusing their powers. They are human and prone to mistakes. However this video is disscusting and these men must be punished
In America they would have just shot him. Lucky to live in a country where the police use minimum force. Throw the book at the driver , the police acted in a controlled measured and proper manner. Well done.
The videos seen and the statement now made public suggest that the police were simply doing their job, this is what policing is all about, public safety. If an individual they are addressing is not complying to what the officer demands then I am sorry I have no sympathy for them. We need to go by the law of the land.
What was the guy thinking by shouting, screaming and creating a scene the officer will let him off, let it be a lesson for those like him so that incidents of this nature is not repeated.
This is heart heartbreaking!! Today it was them tomorrow it may be us or someone loved to us no human should be treated this way. Just because there in uniform doesn’t make them any superior from us we need to stand up today we want justice!!!
Why using too much force ?!!!
Shouldn’t the police be there to protect and guide us!!
This police officers should be investigated and taught how to deal with matters more calmly.
That first officer looks angry aggressive man.
This type of officers should go behind bars for attempt to murder case. No excuses. This all officers are racist. We want justice.
Totally disgusting
Utterly Disgusting
Shame …. Shame … Shame.. it’s disgusting and disappointing, UK police officers behaviour like this!! WTF !? Definitely those 3 officers have been taking drugs.. or they have sick mind.
Those 3 officers should go back to Bangladesh because there oviously not British men. I’ve noticed police officers can’t handle the real criminals and pick on the innocent ones. DISGRACE!!!!
This is completely incorrect news. SHOCK. There was nothing calm about the way the man was acting back to the police officers
He was parked on a main highway which was dangerous and obstructive. The video of the FULL incident (not the one circulating conveniently where he is already on the floor) shows the wife telling her husband to calm down and stop being so aggressive before he jumps out and they force him down.
Typical one sided news. I agree that they were extra forceful however I f you resist an arrest, by law, force is used out of the safety and interests of the public in case the involved gets out a weapon – I bet if this was the case everyone would see it very differently.
Don’t believe everything you read
I think this is disgusting jus because they are police officers it does not give the rite to treat this guy in that manner .he had disable badge he was to move his car he said his good blue badge that means he can park on single yellow line .the police officer could issue a ticket or remove his car if he was obstructing traffic .they did not have to beat him to that extent.he did not be rude to the officer nor did he have any kind of weapons on him to harm the officers his wife was pleading with the police .they jus ignored her .this case should be taken to the highest level of punishment these officers should be sacked from there jobs .also compensation should be given the man who got treated in that manner.absouletly disgusting behaviour from the police force.
Yes I agree you can see one of the policeman, punching him with his handcuffs nothing but uniformed thugs lock the lot of them up should be ashamed of themselves pigs
Discusting police thugs lock them all up
Tears rolled down my face as I was watching one of the videos on fb ……inhumane and disgusting to the highest degree aren’t adjectives enough to describe the action of thoese officers ….my heart aches for the wife….God Will Deal with them… I pray this from the bottom of my heart .
Some people are talking rubbish (lutfur Rahman)
While you can open your eyes and that police has used excessive force and until last minutes using electric shock. Why they have to use this person is under control. Police hurts him intentionally. You won’t understand until you face it.some police shows their ego and think they can do whatever they like.l definitely demand for investigation because of unnecessary excessive force.
First of all we do not know what started the incident.
2. If the man has supposedly done nothing wrong then why is he resisting arrest?
3 As for the taser you can clearly see that there was a taser however it remained in the officers holster the entire time, and what people may think was a taser held by the officer holding his legs was in fact the officers radio.
His wife should have been arrested too
@Lutfur Rahman It is precisely because of dumb statements like “If an individual they are addressing is not complying to what the officer demands ” that this land is in the mess it is no one has to comply with unlawful thugs you then compound your ignorance with “We need to go by the law of the land” most of the statutory code is the law of the sea, the last lawful courts closed in 1972 the same time Parliament unlawfully pushed us into the EEC/EU – all with have today are administrative courts. and as for your last line it can be shorten to “let totalitarianism rule”
bastard bullyboys at it agin the scum as they are , if he dies its murder and those tossers in uniform need jailing
The man is resisting arrest and making it impossible for the police to cuff him. No wonder all three of them were getting banged and bruised. No one saw the altercation before it ended up on the ground and that hysterical woman just exacerbated the problem and they were trying to arrest him without injuring her. Very tough situation. Should they just let him go if he deserved to go to jail? If they were so aggressive or violent, they would have been able to get the cuffs on much quicker but they we restraining, not attacking. They did a good job in a hard situation.
This did NOT happen in Aberfeldy! Aberfeldy is in the coiunty of Perthshire thats in Scotland
Why did the bystanders not calm his wife down? She must have frightened the life out of her children. Her husband was very irresponsible to resist arrest given that he was with his family.
Very good point.