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Mosque prepares for open day

ONCE AGAIN the national #VisitMyMosque will be taking place this year, and to mark the day the Noor Ul Islam Mosque in Leyton will be holding an open day from noon until 5pm on Sunday, 18th February.

The Mosque was established in 1990. It is holding its open day in the spirit of friendship and conversation and hopes to give members of its local community a greater understanding of Islam.

The visit should also help locals gain an insight into the day to day life of the Mosque. The building itself – which includes a place of worship as well as a community centre – has been inspired by the Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) Mosque in Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

During the day there will be tours, recitations from the Holy Qur’an and a Question and Answer space where members of the public can ask questions of and discuss with Noor Ul Islam scholars. The public will also be able to see live prayer sessions.

The exhibition Discover Islam will also be available to view, and delicious food and refreshments will also be available.

SM Mosque Open Day

The open day takes place from noon to 5pm on Sunday, 18th February at the Noor Ul Islam Mosque, 717-723 High Road, Leyton, E10 5AB. Tours of the Mosque take place at 1.30pm and 4.30pm: there are limited places, so please register your interest in advance to be on the safe side.

For more information, go to:

•Read more about it:
Enfield Mosque Open Days build community bridges
East London Mosque seeks volunteers


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