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Home / Community / Musa helps out; keeps active – and inspires his generation
Musa brings the first two bags of food out of the Hedgecock Community Centre, ready to start his delivery round.

Musa helps out; keeps active – and inspires his generation

IS YOUR school shut? Are you a bit bored now it’s half term? In fact, are you a bit bored with lockdown and school being closed? Then look no further: Musa is going to show you what you can do.

Musa is driven by two motivations: he wants to be active in the community, and he wants to help those in need.  As soon as half-term came, he got stuck into his self-imposed challenge: it was down to the Hedgecock Community Centre to help with their Food Bank. That day, they were delivering hot food to the vulnerable and needy in the local community. Later, it was on to the local park for a litter-pick.

Musa hasn’t stopped there. With a little bit of help from Dad, he set up his own YouTube Channel – “Active Musa”, where he can share his ideas with other children. The videos – featuring Musa and other local volunteers – give tips on being active during lockdown and school closures. They show exercises (that’s the adults) and Musa summarises his favourite book, chapter by chapter, to remind viewers that reading is very important – put that screen down and go do some!

Musa turned nine years old just before half term, and this is a cracking start to his tenth year. Why not visit his channel and have a look? He would love some follows and some video-likes. And will someone tell him that, when he has a spare moment, we need a new Prime Minister?

Watch Musa’s video about the Hedgecock Food Bank:
Food distribution

Go to the Active Musa YouTube Channel:
Active Musa

●Read more about it:
Books for homeless people
Where’s Wally? goes virtual for a weekend

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