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My Mum’s Scream!

:: By Maimunah Bashirah Haque  ::

One day my mum went upstairs to clean the bathroom.  She saw a little spider in the bath. She screamed so loud that the house moved. I ran upstairs and said “Mum are you alright?” My mum said, “no I am not alright!” She said “look there is a spider in the bath.” I said to my mum it’s only a tiny little spider and you shouldn’t be scared.” I put the little spider in my hand because I was not afraid and put it outside. It ran really fast onto the tree branch and went into a little hole in the tree. Finally, it was night time and the twins were asleep. Soon afterwards my mum screamed again. This time my room moved, it was shaking. My pictures fell on the ground and the glass broke. She screamed again because she saw the same spider…but did she really? The next morning the twins woke up really early in the morning and they stated to cry. I went to see what they wanted. I gave them their bottles and they were quiet. Mum screamed once again and the twins started crying. “Why did you scream mum,?”  I said, “because if you scream then the twins will cry.” Mum said “Oh, well it’s too late, they are awake now”.  I said “where did you see the spider this time”? I thought I had put it outside? “But it came back again” said mum. I found the spider crawling on the floor. I picked it up and put it out side again. The next morning the twins saw the spider and called out “Ma, Ma!” Mum came running downstairs and screamed again with the twins. I came downstairs and said “don’t be scared it is just a little spider.” I carefully picked up the spider and said to mum, “hold this spider in your hand and then you wont be scared.”  Mum was scared, but was very brave, she held the spider on her hand and thought …”it’s not that scary after all. After that Mum was never scared of spiders ever again.

One comment

  1. Nice story, look forward to more.

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