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New clue in hunt for Ilford murderer

JASON DIALLO – described by his family as a devoted father of two who had the softest heart – was murdered in Balfour Road, Ilford four years ago in what police believe was un unprovoked, violent attack.

There was a second shooting around 15 minutes later, which was not fatal. After a challenging investigation, and nearly two years after the murder, Mushin Mohammed, 28, was convicted of murder and attempted murder at the Old Bailey. He was sentenced to life in prison, to serve a minimum of 35 years. Tyrelle Joseph, 24, was sentenced to seven years in prison for helping him to get away from the scenes of the crimes.

But police believe that two more men were involved in the shootings. They have now released video footage of a man they would like to speak to in connection with this investigation. The Met is offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest and prosecution of the person responsible for one or both shootings.

Watch the police video here:

Anyone who has any information which could help the investigation is asked to call 101 and quote Operation Shenley. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111 and give information anonymously.

Read the original crime reports:
Police investigate fatal shooting in Ilford
Ilford murder: second man charged

Read more about it:
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