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Newark Youth raise funds through fun

NEWARK YOUTH are holding a Family Fun Day on Saturday, 24th February at the Exmouth Hall, 39 Cornwood Drive, E1 0PW. The event runs from non to 4pm.

fun day

There will be plenty of home made samosas and snacks to lunch on – with handmade waffles and chocolate brownies for afters, followed by tea and coffee.

There will be activities to enjoy, including arts & crafts for the little ones, play station and Wii, pool and board games. If your energy starts to flag, there’s a sweet corner to visit.

There will be a raffle and a lucky dip, and information about local activities for youth will be on available.

Newark Youth want everyone to come and have a good time – but bring your money, as they are trying to raise funds for future activities.

For more information, contact Manik Miah on 07950-624 276 or

•Read more about it:
Newark Youth London celebrate success
Newark Youth fundraise for Bangladesh


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