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Noor Ul Islam Mosque welcomes the community

Emdad Rahman

NUI 3THE COMMUNITY HUB known as Noor Ul Islam Mosque in Waltham Forest opened its doors with wide extended arms in celebration of the national #VisitMyMosque initiative which took place all over the UK this weekend.

The initiative operates to invite members of each diverse community to visit their local Mosque in the spirit of friendship and conversation. The initiative gives members of the local community an engaging insight into the life of their local Mosque and to promotes a greater and truer understanding of Islam.

Some of the activities included an exhibition by Discover Islam, live recitation of the Holy Qur’an, a tour of the Mosque, a Question & Answer area with Noor Ul Islam Scholars, live prayer – and not to forget some delicious food & refreshments.

NUI 2Bob the builder was on hand to welcome guests and let them know about the new rebuild project. All in all the initiative provided a day of great conversation, a chance to build bridges and dispel misconceptions about Islam. Members of the committee thanked all guests for attending.

Katie Pearson is a Waltham Forest resident who admitted that this was the first time she had entered a Mosque. She said, “It’s a brilliant idea and I’m really proud we have these gatherings which paint the true picture of what life in a diverse community is like. I will share my positive experience with others because it’s important to do so. There’s too many Muslim hate stories and they’re not reflective of the overall community at all.”

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One comment

  1. Thanks for the article post.Really thank you! Great.

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