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Home / Crime / One dead, two injured in Dagenham early hours car crash

One dead, two injured in Dagenham early hours car crash

ONE MAN, believed to be aged 25, died in the early hours of this morning, Monday, 1st July, after the vehicle he was driving collided with street furniture. The collision happened in Ripple Road, at the junction with the A12.

Police received reports of an accident at approximately3.22am and the emergency services responded immediately. The driver of the car was pronounced dead at the scene. The police are trying to identify and locate his next of kin.

Two passengers, a man and a women, were taken to hospital with injuries that were not thought to be life threatening.

Police officers from the Metropolitan Police Serious Collision Investigation Unit (SCIU) are trying to piece together the circumstances of the accident. Roads around the scene of the accident were closed off this morning as the investigation began.

Anyone who saw the collision and/or has any dash-cam footage of it is asked to contact the SCIU on 020-8597 4874 and quote CAD 931/01JUL. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111 and give information anonymously.

Read more about it:
Women dies in a collision in Romford
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One comment

  1. We need more cameras. Plse

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