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Pearson UK staff spread festive cheer

Hamza Rahman

BIG HEARTED Pearson UK staff at One90 High Holborn teamed up with the One Third soup Kitchen team to offer some winter wonder to those who need it the most at this time of the year. 

pearson 1Following on from a successful pilot project last year, Relations and Development Co-ordinator Pericles Pericleous was joined by his colleagues at One90 to help co-ordinate staff donations of beautifully wrapped kindness boxes comprising of cosmetics, toiletries and winter wear. Help came from colleagues including Luisa Petruccio, Yasmin Muhiuddin, William Juniper, Robin Sookramanien and Mateus Porto.

One Third is a volunteer-led community action project, and the team operates two weekly Saturday Soup Kitchens simultaneously, in Tower Hamlets and Stratford. The project is completely self-funded, with the assistance of food donations from generous well wishers.

One of the volunteer Team Leaders is Emdad Rahman. He said, “We started off as a group of friends who self-funded the soup kitchen, but the amazing generosity of our community never ceases to amaze and we have grown. We send a massive thank you to everyone at Pearson UK for this fabulous gesture.

pearson 2“Ours is a relationship which sums up Britain. We have diverse people in different situations and they are all uniting for a common purpose. My friend Abdul Sabur has given up a busy Friday to come along with me in his black taxi to collect and transport all the presents. There is a lesson here for everyone.”
The donated kindness gifts were collected via a staff shoe box appeal and will be distributed by Emdad and his team to homeless citizens on Christmas Eve.

Follow Emdad on Twitter for news on local homeless issues

•Read more about it:
One Third & HRF team up for homeless soup kitchen
Homeless London braces itself for winter


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