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Murder victim Abraham Badru

Police return to Hackney scene of Badru shooting

POLICE CONTINUE to investigate the murder of Abraham Badru, 26, who was shot in Ferncliff Road, Hackney, E8 on 25th March. A month after the murder, detectives returned to the scene to try to job memories and add to their picture of what happened.

Police are determined to trace the person or people responsible for the shooting of a young man loved by his family and respected in the community. They have offered a £20,000 reward to anyone who provides information which leads to the prosecution of the killer or killers.

It is now thought that the murderer arrived in the area shortly before the shot was fired and that he made his getaway on a bicycle. Police are trying to trace the following potential witnesses.
A person who walked along the pavement in Langford Close and then turned into Ferncliff Road at 11.08pm, minutes before the murder
A person in a three-quarter length puffa coat opposite the day centre in Ferncliff Road, close to the scene, at 11.09pm
A male in dark clothing with a hood up and light-coloured trainers talking on a mobile phone in Ferncliff Road at 11.11pm – this is moments after the shooting, as Abraham lay on the ground
A black male, described as 5ft 8ins, with bushy Afro hair, of an athletic build and wearing a long-sleeved grey top who ran into Foxley Close from Ferncliff Road shortly after the shooting.

Police are also trying to identify a black man, thought to be wearing a black puffa-type jacket, who came out from behind Abraham’s car and walked along Ferncliff Road towards Downs Park Road – and may have then gone down the alleyway that leads to Langford Close. It is believed that he then got onto a white bicycle which had no lights, put a rucksack on his back and cycled back on to Ferncliff Road.  What seems to have been the same bicycle was also seen entering Langford Close, near the day centre, and then going down the pavement at speed at around 23.05pm – just before the shooting.

Detective Chief Inspector Noel McHugh said, “We are keen to trace each and every person who was in the area that night – even if you think you didn’t see or hear anything we need to eliminate you from our enquiries. It may be you have information you don’t think is relevant but please let us be the judge and come forward. I have outlined four people we’d like to trace but we really need to speak to everyone.

“We are particularly keen to hear from anyone who saw a male cycling in the area around the time of the murder on a white bicycle – this could be the killer. Someone knows who killed Abraham; I have said the answer lies in the community and I still believe that.

“If you are reading this and you want to contact us but are concerned about your safety, I can assure you that your information would be treated in the strictest of confidence and sensitivity. Help us do the right thing and bring justice to Abraham’s grieving family.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact the incident room on 020-8785 8099, or phone police via 101. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

Read more about this story:
Badru murder: police offer reward

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