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Saif Uddin: conditional discharge for assault

SAIF UDDIN is a very lucky man, considering that he attacked a woman in broad daylight ten months ago – grabbing her round the throat, slapping her and pushing her on to the bonnet of a parked car.

Uddin, 27, who lives in Alexandra Park Road, N22, knew his victim. He attacked her in Fairfield Road, two days after Christmas last year – and was arrested shortly afterwards.

Initially Uddin denied that he had committed assault. He was charged and pleaded not guilty. He was sent to trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court – and half way through he changed his plea.

Detective Sergeant Rob Brown of Tower Hamlets Community Safety Unit said, “Uddin lost his temper following a dispute and lashed out at this woman, subjecting her to a violent and sustained attack. His actions were compounded by the fact that a young child was present during the attack and would have been well aware of the distress caused.”

Uddin was given a conditional discharge for 18 months. Let’s hope he’s learned his lesson: Tower Hamlets is not the place to assault women – all of whom have the right to feel safe on our streets.

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